Two Minute Pitch: The Eferian Day Book Series

2 minutes

Magic. Explained.

What is magic? And I don’t just mean where it comes from. But what IS it? What is it made of? What are the flashing lights flinging around the spell? And what is the spell comprised of? These types of questions have been in my mind for several years time. To my knowledge of the Fantasy genre: the ability to give comprehensive, in-depth descriptions of a fictional world’s magical powers to the fundamental nature of what makes up the magical abilities to begin with is an area left with a lot of creative exploration to be done. And the continued exploration into these types of subjects will bring with it new ideas and concepts to the fictional world where these powers reside.

The Eferian Day is an Epic Fantasy book series exploring explainable magic science down to the molecules of spell composition. Its primary purpose is to give a concise and simple understanding of magic functions apposed from mysticism and disbelief in grounded fictional worlds. One of the goals for this project is to finalize the series’ end with a singular book containing the entire work of the magic system, this being the Haan System, complete with artwork showcasing concepts and written spell characters (first chapter can be found here). The main series is planned to be a total of fifteen volumes.

This project is for you who seek answers over mysticism without sacrificing the feeling of immense far-away places with heroism and spellcasting. The Eferian Day brings a world filled with action, magic and mystery wrapped in a dark and heavy reality of ongoing war and magic-related plagues spreading across a continent of continues struggles for control over the magical powers of the Haan elements. Experience an engrossing, detail-rich Epic Fantasy world who delivers suspense within every chapter presented in a flowy and playful writing style for an enjoyable read at every page turn.

Thank you for reading and I hope you’ll find as much enjoyment within this project as I the creator have throughout the years of The Eferian Day’s development.

For more information about the thoughts and mentality going into this project: refer to the posts and pages linked below.

The Eferian Day’s Inspirations

How the Series is Titled and Structured

What this Project is

Valid Critique v. Nonsense Nitpicking: How Eferian Handles ‘’Realistic’’ v. ‘’Grounded’’ Arguments

Anti-Mysticism: Creating Magical Wonder within the Explainable

Relentless Filler: Thoughts and Actions Surrounding What is and isn’t Important to Feature