What is The Eferian Day?

The Eferian Day is an Epic Fantasy book series exploring explainable magic science down to the molecules of spell composition. Its primary purpose is to give a concise and simple understanding of magic functions apposed from mysticism and disbelief in grounded fictional worlds.

The series mix Epic Fantasy and Dark Fantasy. Bringing a world filled with action, spellcasting and mystery wrapped in a dark and heavy reality of ongoing war and magic-related plagues spreading across a continent of continues struggles for control over the magical powers of the Haan elements. Experience an engrossing, detail-rich world who delivers suspense within every chapter presented in a flowy and playful writing style for an enjoyable read at every page turn.

”Haan spell character carved and painted on a piece of slate with a leather pouch made from reindeer hide in the background.”

Back cover text for: The Eferian Dawn volume one

The Overarching Story of The Eferian Day Series

Set in the aftermath of a devastating continental war in the world known as Sagen. The Set in the aftermath of a devastating continental war in the world known as Sagen. The invaders from the neighbouring land of Roamen annexed the western regions against the largest reigning power within the Eferian continent, the empire of Highmore. As the war progressed, the Roamen forces spread east towards the Highmorian capital city with their newfound control over Sagen’s spellcasting powers, known to them as Haan.

What became known as The Yulis by Nedrian War continued as Roamen’s crusades towards the eastern parts of the remaining Highmore. However, the turning point for the Elven ruling reign occurred after the archmagi advisors to the previous Keepers of Haan, the Yulis, manged to defeat the Roamen-standing forces. With the primary power of Roamen defeated, the archmagi took on the Yuli titles for themselves, becoming the new Keepers of Haan.

After the war was officially over, the question of righteousness arose against the spell wielders accused of causing the wave of suffering to the Eferian people. Revolts across the continent began against anyone who had connections to the Haan spellcasting abilities. Murder of Haan practisers, destruction of magical items and burnings of magic schools and stores swept every village, town and city who viewed the powers as the source of the devastation.

Kloros, the new Arch-Yuli of the Yulis, in attempts to unify the Sagen species together once again helped the reigning empires to create the Realm of the United Empires over the once Roamen held lands. A city comprised of eight smaller cities belonging to each empire connected to one singular centre became the meeting point where the Eferian people conjoined to establish ruling over the continent.

In the current year 224 of the Kloros Era, two centuries after The Yulis by Nedrian War, new believes of worship have begun forming. And so have the revolts. Connected with the Yulis’ power and Haan’s nature, these newfound discoveries have sparked a will to link Sagen with the world they now known as Alvenru. But what happens when you mix worlds together? And where do these new powers really come from? For what the people don’t know is that a new day for Sagen, have risen.

(To read the detailed version of the main series’ story, refer to ‘’Prophecy: They Will Come; None Shall Stay’’)

”Haan Dast Casting talisman with a Minbry-Point plate, eagle ornament, comb and bells. The talisman is made from casted brass. Haan talismans is a cheap and easy way for common people around the Eferian continent to practice spell casting. Talismans comes in all forms including chains, rope, wood, metals, ornaments, cut minerals and much more depending on how much the person spent for it.”

Origin of the Series

On record, the oldest file existing in my possession featuring the name ‘’Eferia’’ dates to November 18th, 2015. Though the books looked different at that point: the aspirations and the primary goals of what the project was supposed to be was the same to how it is today. I started writing in 2009 at the age of 15, but the will to create explainable magic science have existed in my mind long that time. The first work I’m able to remember was the idea for an anatomy textbook of Fantasy creatures done in the style of sketch drawings. That book was planned to be a collective of multiple people because I was too young to write it myself.

It is unclear where the name ‘’Eferia’’ came from. As I remember, the name was a part of a set of ideas and concepts for various types of creations arranging from board games and video games to books and movies. The name is one of the few things still existing from that folder of ideas I use to have. When I first started, the project did not have a chosen name. While I was planning the series out for myself, Eferia became the name that stuck around the most. In its first stages, the series surrounding the entire Sagen world was called ‘’Fires of Eferia’’. Only later was the name changed into ‘’The Eferian Day’’ as the broad term for the main series.

The name of the continent was also changed from ‘’Eferia’’ to ‘’Eferian’’ later in time. This was due to Eferian being used majority of times throughout the project’s development. And ‘’Eferia’’ specifically was only used when referring to the continent and nothing else. ‘’Eferian’’ then started sounding better then ‘’Eferia’’ and the name was officially changed.

For more information surrounding the project’s creation: refer to the post ‘’Origins of the Haan Magic System’’.