Spell Shattering: How Compositions Break Apart by Themselves

Within the Haan magic system, spell compositions through Dast Casting rely on the Minbry-Point to hold the Haan elements in a singular location so the reactions between them create the powers each spell is meant to have. However, something to keep in mind here is the word ‘’meant’’. Spell compositions are not created equal. On … Continue reading Spell Shattering: How Compositions Break Apart by Themselves

The Chronic Healer: Self-Inflicting Harm for Haan Healing Pleasure

The Haan system have brought a large variety of idea and concepts throughout the magic system’s development into the Sagen world. Many of these concepts were created as a side effect of other creations and principles within the Haan system itself. Since the system is built on a continued explanation of the core functions for … Continue reading The Chronic Healer: Self-Inflicting Harm for Haan Healing Pleasure

Are Haan Spell Casters Capable of Using Armour?

The short answer: yes. With modifications. This question not only explain the possibility of an Eferian person’s ability to use armour whilst Dast Casting. But also, understanding how this is possible within the Haan system helps to gain a greater insight of how Haan spell composition function and how they behave. For one cannot talk … Continue reading Are Haan Spell Casters Capable of Using Armour?