The Eferian Dawn volume one: chapter one

The chapter has been given out for public viewing as promotion for The Eferian Day series. Posting and/or uploading downloaded pdf on other websites, including social media and blogs, is allowed. The chapter is in the draft stages and is subjected to change until the official publication of volume one. The content of this pdf has not gone through review or editing of external or hired parties. Feel free to give feedback or contact me.

Two Minute Pitch (post)

For information surrounding the project, refer to ”What is The Eferian Day?”, ”How the Series is Titled and Structured” and ”The Eferian Day’s Inspirations”.

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[Chapter one is currently in editing. Subscribe to the website to get notified once the chapter is available for public viewing. A post will be made once the chapter is available. Or follow the website on Facebook, Mastodon, Discord and/or Tumblr to see the newest updates.]