G – L

Latest edit done: 2024-06-21

The Glossary features names, word, terms, and definitions which has been spoken of publicly. Entries are added as more lore and concepts are introduced.

Gail Grail Games – Catcher class tournament and competition games, often held outside of ROUE but have also been held in Varangia.

Gellens (Haan) – Family of Haan elements.

Gellens (weather) – A type of weather storm which traps Haan elements into a sand-like substance. It is believed to be primarily Gellens elements that gets trapped within the storms.

Grimrail – Broad term coined by the Roamen empire. A large collection of kingdoms, lands, and territories within the centre-south regions in the Eferian continent.

Haan (element) – General broad term referring to all elements within the Haan magic system.

Haan (term) – General broad term for the practice of welding and controlling Haan elements through Dast Casting.

Hath (Haan) – Family of Haan elements.

Hath (weapon) – Catcher weapon consisting of a bowl containing constructed, concave mineral plates hooked to either a short or long rope or chain.

Highmore – Empire with majority of High Elf rulers within the east regions of the Eferian continent.

Hillsan Hills – Broad term coined by the Roamen empire. A large collection of lands and territories within the north-eastern regions in the Eferian continent.

Ho-ka Cka’esei – The main official language in Aerine.

Illa – Territory within the centre-western regions of Rimward.

Link Vexing – The process of combining complimentary Vex elements with each other. Used for larger Haan shield walls.