How the Series is Titled and Structured

‘’The Eferian Day’’ is the broad term referring to the series in its entirety spanning a total of fifteen volumes.

These planned sections for the series are:

  • The Eferian Dawn – five volumes
  • The Eferian Sunrise – five volumes
  • The Eferian Sunset – four volumes
  • The Eferian Midnight – one volume

Each section has different themes and focus points within the story which all lead up to the final volume of ‘’The Eferian Midnight’’. Though the characters’ storylines are separate and different from each other, the story tying them together throughout the series’ progression have a generalised ‘’theme’’ to them.

For ‘’The Eferian Dawn’’, the beginning of the overarching story of the series, the theme of the section is ‘’people’s uprising and revolt’’. This theme refers to how the Eferian people have gone against the Yulis and their Haan practices. As mentioned in the Prophecy and on the page ‘’What is The Eferian Day?’’. So even though characters’ storyline might be separate from each other, there is still elements in their story tying together with the theme of the section.

After the series has been finished, there will also be a separate book surrounding the Haan system with all ‘’The Haan Study’’ chapters alongside additional text and artwork. These sixteen books compile the entire library of works surrounding Sagen planned to be made and published.

The original version of the main series had a total of thirteen storylines which all came together towards the end of the series. This number, which was the planned figure back in 2015 to 2018, have been heavily reduced since it would have made the books far too long and convoluted to follow. Throughout the rewriting and editing of the storyboard, the events still take place. But the books only follow the storylines which are the most important to know to understand the development of the overarching lore.

Within current time, the main volumes have three primary following points at any given moment with each chapter being segregated into subchapters. Or ‘’scrolls’’ as they are referred to in the volumes. Each chapter is planned to be around 12000 to 15000 words each and in the back of each volume will also be the Haan Study chapter with a total of fifteen chapters throughout the series.

In regards of the Haan magic system: one of the principles the main series are under is that it will always be possible for every person to read the books without having to read up about Haan beforehand. This ensures that regardless of the reader’s knowledge of the Sagen world, said reader is always able to pick up the series without needing to study before they start. The Eferian Day is made to be enjoyed by even the most casual reader in mind.

Regarding the usage of A.I.: no A.I. software—meaning self-learning and deep learning software whose presence have major implications and influence of the text—has been used nor will be used to help, write, or assist in the making of any of the work I do surrounding The Eferian Day series. And it shall stay that way. This is to keep the text I write to the full extent of my own creation. The usage of A.I. software would then tarnish the way in which I want it to be made. The usage of A.I. is of great importance for many aspects of the digital work and world we live in. Yet— in my own view—the creation of this project would suffer a tremendous deal using these types of tools giving up a large portion of the project’s development to the outcome of synthetic thinking. So, the creation of The Eferian Day will always stay separate from tools taking partial credit for its making.