
This is the detailed version of the main series’ storyline going from Sagen’s origins to the start of the main series’ story in The Eferian Dawn volume one.


They Will Come; None Shall Stay

It has been said, for in the beginning: our eight guardians — kept in stone until the day of their return — spoke of their world’s makers; the creators, C’arolus and the original Yulis of Sagen sprouted life in the image of observers to the universe they had given to them. Though the life they made neither walked nor stood on the soil they had inherited; their sprouted life did not exist to interfere with the growth the Yulis created for them. And neither did that life want to.

For they were the Befainted.

Pieces of souls bound to sweep Sagen’s growth; shards of life-like figures, the Befainted which came to form saw only illusionary imagery of independent beings. Despite it, the life who came amongst their makers saw the life within the lands to be prosperous.

Yet, to the Yulis, their timeless world became a mirror against them whose connection sought only a version of themselves they did not like. So, in their own image created eight guardian angels who would keep Sagen’s nature pure. For they were also given the ability to think on their own opposed from the life within the world they were made to protect.

As a symbol of eternal connection gave each angel a pavise whose face wore shining stars; a portal to the universe they created Sagen within. Glimmering of galaxies and suns, the shields became a reminder of infinite protection for the Yulis’ world they had given to them.

Seeing but of few prides in the lands they created: C’alorus, the Arch-Yuli of the Yulis, viewed the life given to Sagen brought a whiten thought across their world. Wanting no more of timeless life, they then formed Delmi: the world and circle of death. Made not of misery and despair, but of purpose and rooting to the souls of their Befainted creations which gave Sagen’s life a purpose to their beings to learn and grow amongst the lands. But within their creation came more than just death itself. Delmi and befainted life became uncontrollable to the Yulis and Sagen’s nature known to the current Eferian world as Haan gained their own will. Though they were the ones who created the world, the powers within it were not completely controllable to them.

C’alorus then saw what their world braiding had done to the world they had given Sagen’s life. Entering the lands on their own, they took the form of mixture being amongst creations which towered over the tallest mountain peak. But as they came to the Sagen lands their mind then seized in skirmish as it grew corrupt and twisted within their own judgment. Affected over the unknown powers the Sagen world had against him.

Ripping one of the roots from the Tree of Life, they hollowed out one of the enormous roots to make a calling-horn which became known as Remkir. Remkir’s call shook the earth beneath its song and shattered stable minds to decay. The continued calls terraformed oceans and mountain ranges, separating the lands with seas and vast plains.

Punishing them for their betrayal, the remaining Yulis bonded him into the world that became known as Alvenru, The Nested Light connected to Sagen through Delmi. Cursing him to never return to Sagen again without a known connection to link the worlds together. And with the worlds braided together came mirror images of protection; the eight angels of Sagen saw forms within Alvenru were given their own guardians of their own kind. Yet the Alvenru guardians held not of pavise shields. But of bloated bottles whose contents revealed entrapped Befainted shards in desperation of escape. Once opened, the bottles the Alvenru guardians held released howling, deafening screams of lost life.

The remaining Yulis — now bewildered and puzzled — grew concerned towards the safety for the Sagen world and powers which now had been split between the braided worlds.

Gifting the possession of Yuli keep to the Haan elements for any species within their created world. The remaining Yulis gave the powers to a group of High Elves, one of the new species they created to decide the future of the Sagen world. With the newfound life established, the original Yulis vanished without giving the High Elves nor any other species the knowledge of Sagen’s creation. Nor their past existence before their arrival.

Leaving the world and the life within it to fend for their own ways. This was apart from the guardians who became encased in stone, waiting for Sagen to be in peril once again. As the eras passed: Ferian, the new Arch-Yuli of the Yulis founded the first realm within the lands they had been brought to. As a symbol of prosperity, the High Elves named the continent after her.

Establishing the name Eferian.

Eferian’s nature and elemental powers became known as Haan. The High Elves who had been gifted the Yuli powers over the Haan elements saw significant advances within the usage and contributions to Eferian’s life and growth of their civilization. Raining over Sagen, the Haan elements are said to cast themselves over the continent and her neighbouring regions.

The Haan powers used in spell casting became known as Dast Casting: the ability to drag and hold the elements within the air into an elemental structure releasing destruction with its channelling. In alchemy and planet life came Numbrina, the Haan elements who infusing themselves within Sagen’s plant life and animals. Combined into potions and elixirs, their ingredients could speed up crop growth, heal wounds and regain worn muscle.

But in the knowledge of Haan grew an unstable void of uncontrollable forces against the High Elves’ powers. Cambriny, the most unknown and unpredictable of the Haan elements. The spells and plants combined with these elements gained powers beyond what could be recreated with any other.

Centuries after the High Elves took control over the Eferian continent against the rest, a new kind immigrated to their lands, the Humans. Thinking of the High Elves as authoritarian tyrants, the Humans invaded the Elven reigning empire of Highmore. Annexing the western regions of the once High Elven controlled lands for the then foreign kingdom of Roamen. Centuries after the humans came to Eferian, Emperor Telender I of Roamen with the help of the empires of Nimghrad and Varangia killed the Yulis and took the powers as their own.

What became known as The Yulis by Nedrian War continued its bloodbath with Roamen’s crusade towards the eastern parts of the remaining Highmore. However, the turning point for the empire happened after the archmagi for the previous Yulis who kept the Haan powers beside the reigning crowns manged to defeat the Roamen-standing forces. With the corrupted Yulis defeated, the archmagi took on the role of becoming the new Keepers of the Haan elements.

And with them came Kloros, the new Arch Yuli of the Yulis.

Kloros and the other Yulis in attempts to unify the Eferian species together once more helped the Eferian empires to create the Realm of the United Empires. A city comprised of eight smaller cities connected to a singular centre point became the largest council of unity where the Eferian people conjoined to establish ruling over the continent.

By the turn of the second century of the Kloros Era, the central cathedral of ROUE split into two sections of belief. One of physical worship and devotion to superior rulers. And another of spiritual worship and devotion to oneself as beings. The former of which also had a newfound following, the newly discovered knowledge of Alvenru and their elements which once belonged to the Sagen world.

Yet C’alorus saw an imminent danger of a direct connection between them. The souls who came from Sagen seized past Alvenru’s horizon into the unknown lands beyond. Stretching past the edges of Alvenru became known as Bleak, the Eternal Fog, the place trapping most of the befainted souls who came from the Eferian realms. With their own set of Elemental control and powers.

C’alorus and the life within Alvenru undertook an eternal war with the once who came to destroy both him and the life within Alvenru. But in Eferian sparks of uprising came to form. Revolts against the powers of Haan spread across the Eferian lands. Seeing nothing but destruction caused by the powers brought by the Yulis, the Eferian people grew angered towards the continuous changing of Yuli rule and Haan usage.

Kloros, knowing of the people’s anger towards them sieged the major ruling of the churches to the commonwealth in a breach of peace. And Eferian saw mass segregations between the people’s daily lives and Haan practice. Wanting the life within Eferian to choose their own ways of life, Kloros and the other Yulis hid from the landscapes, only interacting with the people within the university of The Sunset River in Varangia’s western mountain ranges.

In the current time of 224 K.E., the early midpoint of the third century of the Kloros Era, Eferian stood in a new crisis. With the question of people’s faith and freewill fumed uprising against the empires and the reigning Yulis.

But what the people doesn’t know is that a new day for the Sagen world, has risen.

[The commentary of the Prophecy can be found here.]