Spell Shattering: How Compositions Break Apart by Themselves

Within the Haan magic system, spell compositions through Dast Casting rely on the Minbry-Point to hold the Haan elements in a singular location so the reactions between them create the powers each spell is meant to have. However, something to keep in mind here is the word ‘’meant’’. Spell compositions are not created equal. On … Continue reading Spell Shattering: How Compositions Break Apart by Themselves

Two Minute Pitch: The Eferian Day Book Series

Magic. Explained. What is magic? And I don’t just mean where it comes from. But what IS it? What is it made of? What are the flashing lights flinging around the spell? And what is the spell comprised of? These types of questions have been in my mind for several years time. To my knowledge … Continue reading Two Minute Pitch: The Eferian Day Book Series

Non-Canon Concepts: Dhemsen Universe Theory and the Problem within Terminology

Throughout the development of the Haan magic system, there have been several ideas and concepts whose existence has either been scrapped entirely. Or—which is the alternative for the topic of this post—has a place in the system yet do not have a complete description of its relevancy within Haan’s nature. Since the system relies on … Continue reading Non-Canon Concepts: Dhemsen Universe Theory and the Problem within Terminology

Could the Yulis Limit the Haan Practices to Only Them?

The eight Yulis are the archmagi who control the Haan elemental rain’s movements over the Eferian continent and some parts of the neighbouring lands. Including the northern parts of the island of Curena south-west of Nimghrad among others. And the Yulis are also responsible of giving the population of Eferian the ability to perform Dast … Continue reading Could the Yulis Limit the Haan Practices to Only Them?