The Haan Study, What is a Soul Slinger?

Latest edit done: 2024-02-29

The Fourteenth Scroll: What is a Soul Slinger?

A Soul Slinger is a Dast Caster with the ability to project their soul outside of their body. Since the Minbry-Point is tethered to the person’s soul and not their body specifically, the Caster can cast Haan spells away from their physical form. This makes it so the Caster can cast Haan spells externally.

An example would be twice as high up in the air then that of their physical height. Soul Slingers can project their soul externally. But only to the extent where the soul is still within touch of the psychical form. Because of this, the Souls Slinger are only able to reach twice as high as their height, and no further.

This ability is possible through Befaint.

This brings the topic into a very specific area within Befainted life which needs to be explained more extensively in its own text later to not make this introduction text too long. But how Soul Slinging is possible—for a shorter explanation—have to do with the Caster’s soul which is technically dead in terms of how the process of Delmi works but still have a physical life in Sagen through Befainted life. In this regard, the Befainted life have taken the form of a person who was alive when the Caster died. And from how Befainted life exists within Sagen in shards of former being, the Caster is then able to take part in someone who is willing to house them.

By housing the shards of the person, the Befainted life gets ‘’sewn’’ into the living person’s soul. Who the person is out of the two at that point is debatably.

However, because the ability of Soul Slinging is so rare to find throughout Eferian—since this Befainting process is not something which is openly practiced even by the most hardcore of Haan circles—the people who are Soul Slingers usually group up in cults and societies outside of normal Haan practice circles. Soul Slingers will only show themselves if they know no threat about their existence is present. One of the main reasons this practice is not viewed in a positive light have to do with how Soul Slingers comes to be.

It is believed by many that the process is forced upon the person and the ability for Befainted life shards to forcibly take someone else’s life for their own good. Gaining a heavy negative stance with people who practice Haan in general. This became even more of an issue after the Yulis by Nedrian War when the Eferian people began to go against Haan usage in a major way throughout the entire continent.

Since Soul Slinging has closer relations to Befaint then Haan, there is no official classification of the people who have the ability. Soul Slingers can cast Dast Casting spells to the same extent as regular people and there aren’t many other restrictions to the Soul Slinging ability other than the once other people who practice Haan place on them.