The Haan Study, What is Cambriny?

Latest edit done: 2024-02-17

The Sixth Scroll: What is Cambriny?

Cambriny is a grouping comprised of eight Haan elements. The Minbry-Point is part of this family of elements. Though the most common form of Haan writing states a total of seven elements to the Cambriny family category.

The primary difference separating these Haan elements from the rest of the Haan elements is their ability to drag and hold other Haan elements. As well as their behaviour within the Haan rain patterns. Only the Minbry-Point out of these elements has the property of being controllable by the Sagen people. The remaining elements don’t have a known way to gain this ability. Out of the eight categories of Haan, the Cambriny family is the elemental group having the most tribulations towards the progression of the understanding of Haan and Haan practices.

The Cambriny elements are unique in this way due to being unpredictable in how they act with several different aspects of Haan. One of these problems with their unpredictable nature is the way they interact with Dast Casting. The elements in the category of Cambriny can drag other Haan elements. And because of this alters the accuracy and predicable reactions of Dast Casting. Most times the Caster use Cambriny elements in spell compositions is to strengthen the durability of its structure. Keeping the spell from breaking apart once projected. Alternative from this is using Cambriny elements to extend the general size of the spell. But this practice is less common and lacks an overlining purpose for destructive attributes overall.

However, by using Cambriny elements in spell compositions, the user takes the risks associated with these types of Haan elements. Due to the nature of the Cambriny elements: the overall prediction of the spell composition’s attributes will remain relatively undetermined.

Without it, the spell is mostly accurate in the composition assuming the composition is the same each time it is performed. Yet once a Cambriny element is introduced into it does it lose its accuracy.

Throughout the eras of the Sagen world, the Cambriny family have played a major role in the Yulis’ decisions of elemental distribution. Because the Yulis can change the rain pattern of Haan: one major factor altering the decision making for the pattern lay in the grouping’s natural behaviours. The Haan elements in the category affect a large part of the continent’s Haan-related weather (refer to the ‘’What is Dast Casting?’’ scroll for more information on the topic).

But moreover, the Cambriny family have major influence in Haan practices of the regions they rain over. There are direct connections to the rain patterns and the Haan practices the people of different regions partake and practice in. An example of this is in the aftermath of the Yulis by Nedrian War. After Kloros became the Arch Yuli, the newly founded reign of the Kloros Era wanted to decrease the distribution of Cambriny elements in the western regions of the continent. These changes were made to prevent the same levels of spell usage the invading forces of Roamen practiced during this period.

Because the Yulis by Nedrian War, the western regions of the continent have the lowest amount of Cambriny elements raining over the once Roamen-owned lands within the current time of the main series. These changes then caused a domino effect where Dast Casting and other Haan practices have next to no relations to the Cambriny elements within these western regions, including ROUE.

The changes made have since been criticised by several Eferian empires for being a drastic change due to fear opposed to thought. And Cambriny elements have gradually begun to be brought back to the western regions with an increasing, yet slow, progression.

Because of this, the Haan-related weather events like Gellens storms have seen a great increase in the eastern and southern regions of the Eferian continent. Both the Rimward and the Remai regions have seen major changes in Haan-related weather occurrences due to the altering of Cambriny distribution against the west. Places like Crinoline has also seen changes in Haan-related weather events. However, these changes did cause great advantages for the eastern regions to gain a larger influence within the academic world of Haan as well.

Haan practitioners, scribes and spell casters began to set up their practices within the eastern lands, increasing their influence of said regions’ population and economy. All the western regions have seen many decreases in the amount of Cambriny elements. ROUE, Republic of Tailen and the empire of Nimhgrad have all seen these changes the most.

The rain pattern altering have also been noted in places like Aerine and Amana where Haan practices using Cambriny elements are less common. In the current time of the main series: the Eferian people knows a lot more about the Cambriny family then the people within the time of the Yulis by Nedrian War did. Despite it, the Cambriny family are still the least understood of the Haan elements. Cambriny elements are used by Dast Casters throughout the continent and have seen a larger increase in usage. The largest study of this elemental group is in The Sunset River in Varangia.

And this also includes the teachings of these types of Haan elements which has started to become more common within Haan schools.