What this Project is

The Eferian Day is an anti-mystical magic-based Fantasy series.

To go into reading the text and the ideas presented in this project with a good mindset: It’s important to make terminology clearcut. ‘’anti-mystical’’ in this context means the magic system being presented has in its foundations to only feature concepts I as the writer can explain how it works and how it correlates with other concepts within the system itself. And not to feature ideas and concepts which fall under the ‘’it works because it is magic’’ excuse.

This does not take away from the feeling of the world and the storytelling itself, however. For these types of ideas are not presented in pretentious and ‘’in your face’’ ways. The books themselves are written in the Epic Fantasy style, giving engrossing detailing of immense far-away places with heroism and spellcasting. The difference is the Haan system being behind the magical wonders of the Sagen world. My work being fun and immersive to read will always be the main priority above all. Of the ideas presented within the volumes.

The goals for this project are:

  • to establish an explainable magic system, this being the Haan system, capable of being used by other creators to expand on their creative abilities.
  • to give way for an open dialogue surrounding Fantasy ideas and concepts. This is with the idea of being able to expand on the mentality behind how the Fantasy genre is being viewed and thought of overall.
  • to establish a long-lasting Fantasy book series whose existence extends throughout an entire writing career.

It is also important to establish what this project isn’t.

This project isn’t:

  • meant to discredit or diminish other Fantasy worlds. Every Fantasy world exist within its own reality and The Eferian Day’s ideas and/or concepts are meant for the world of Sagen and other Fantasy worlds choosing to exist within the project’s principles.
  • a way to explain other Fantasy world’s ideas. Though this project is linked in many ways to established and used Fantasy concepts, the ideas featured within this project is not meant to take away the creative work of others. This project exists within its own right using Fantasy concepts and ideas which has been around for extended periods of human history. Just like so many others.
  • meant to take a political stance. It is common for Fantasy stories and folklore to feature an underlining ‘’meaning’’ to them to give a message through the storytelling. The Eferian Day don’t have an underlining message within it and portrayals of political topics surrounds Sagen and the Eferian species’ functions and are therefore not meant to reflect the real-world in any way.
  • meant to form mean-spirited or hateful debate circles. Again, every Fantasy world exist within its own reality. Many concepts, like the Haan system, was created with the mentality of bringing a new way of thinking into a genre which has a long-lasting stance within human history to be stuck in its ways. A major part of The Eferian Day is to bring a new argument into the open dialogue that is the Fantasy genre for creative work to flourish. Not to create a high-horsing circle of people thinking they are better than others for the things they think.

To read more about the ideas of what this project is and my thoughts surrounding both Sagen and the Fantasy genre in general: refer to the posts linked below.

Valid Critique v. Nonsense Nitpicking: How Eferian Handles ‘’Realistic’’ v. ‘’Grounded’’ Arguments

Anti-Mysticism: Creating Magical Wonder within the Explainable

Relentless Filler: Thoughts and Actions Surrounding What is and isn’t Important to Feature

Haan Terms and The Problem with Using Established Science Lingo